Sunday, January 26, 2025


Today as this posts, we are having thunderstorms.  Go figure.  Just a few days ago, we had a very rare snow day here in Houston.  Actually two snow days.  It was fun and a good day to stay in where it was warm.

It helps when we have the right tools, and 2nd Man used his largest pot we got at the Factory to Table sale last year.  This is a 14 quart Le Creuset pot.  It fit two 6 pound chickens side by side!  He worked his magic and in the end:

We had a wonderful pot of chicken soup to keep us warm for the duration of the cold snap.

Thursday, we posted snow pictures HERE from the farm and from in town.  Click the link if you missed it.

Now, here was Hobart's fun snow day:

We put a bowl outside on the balcony to catch snow and brought some in for Hobart to play with.  He looked at us like "what am I supposed to do with this?"

You can see his foot marks in there, he touched it and dragged his foot through it a few times.

2nd Man made a snowball and he had a blast pushing that around the floor.  He was moving quickly so it was hard to get a good picture.  For 19 years old, he's still got speed when he needs it, ha.

Later, I decided to make a miniature snow man out on the balcony and he was utterly fascinated by it.  He watched it for a good hour or so, you know, to make sure it didn't escape, ha!

But then the fun was over, it was time to retire to a special spot we made for him: his bed with a heating pad (on low of course) under a towel.  He sleeps here for hours.  Because...




  1. So, I take it the snowman did not escape? His reaction to snow in many iterations is so cute.

  2. Beautiful Chicken Soup that 2nd Man made! Nothing better on a cold day!
    Hobart’s Snow Day! Wonderful how y’all brought the snow to him so he could experience it in the comfort of his warm home. He even had a heating pad in his bed to stay comfy. Living his Best Life!

  3. That soup looks delicious! I love that picture of Hobart giving you the "under the eyebrow" look ... better then a side-eye! LOL

  4. The soup looks Fantastic. You both had chicken soup, and I made 2 individual Chicken Pot Pies.
    Hobart is sooooo darn cute. I bet he wondered what happened to his snowball once it melted; licked up the water, did he?
    Wishing you both an enjoyable day and may the rest of the week run smoothly.
    Blessing to you both


    1. Sat, Jan 25 at 8:07 AM

      "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." - Virginia Woolf


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