Monday, October 21, 2024


Well, the house is about 80% emptied and we've made a dozen or so trips in the truck to the barn, shed and storage unit and everything has gone great.

Until Saturday...

First, I was carrying some bowls into the storage unit and in the top bowl, I had placed this Martha Stewart jadeite green cake stand...I tilted them just a little too much and this tumbled out and hit the ground.  Above is the end result.

Of course, I had to pick up the broken pieces so no one would step on them or drive over them and I poked my thumb.  Yes, that's my blood on there in the photo, the perils of being on blood thinners, ha.

We have a first aid kit in the truck so I cleaned it and wrapped it up and continued on.  I was on the literal LAST box of that load when this happened:

This was our vintage (from the early 70's) sun tea jar and set.  We had the unused, round sun tea jar, a set of six glasses and the hard-to-find matching pitcher.  I wrapped them in bubble wrap, put them in their own separate box, you know to be safe and careful, and as I was carrying it in, the end of the box gave way and they all fell out.

No bubblewrap will protect that.  Sigh.

I managed to salvage two glasses and the dome lid and separate pour spot with the ring.  When you find them for sale online, because they've been used, those pieces are often not available or damaged after 40+ years.

Since this one was never used, we even had the original instruction sheet, it'll be off to eBay to find replacements as some point.  They are usually for sale, maybe I can find one that's cheap because it's missing the ring and top pieces, ha.  The pitcher is more rare and the glasses are a bit pricey (because they all match, saying "solar tea" with the same sun logo), but at least I know I can find them.

Setting all that aside, as I said, we're almost there.  I'm taking off Thursday to hopefully finish it and then this coming weekend we can fine-tune it and finally be ready for the last step, demolition.


  1. I just saw the glasses and the pot on ebay

  2. In spite of these two mishaps, things are moving right along!

  3. I have never moved without breaking something. It just comes with the territory!

  4. i feel your pain! i lost quite a few things in my move. i am not revealing who was responsible though! it was not me.


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