Thursday, October 3, 2024


More things happening!  We had engineers out to the property and they planted some more stakes.

Electrical pole location!

Well, at least the temporary pole.  We submitted a request to have the power line disconnected from the house and rolled back up onto the pole and that will be done soon.  This is where the builder will put a temporary pole for use of power during construction.

The well location!

This is going to be where the well will go.  They will put a concrete pad around it but we are responsible for the 'shed/building" over it.  We'll have to see how big it is, etc and figure that out later.  It will be behind the garage near the rear corner of the house (quick access to it from the garage).

The septic tanks!

And this is the spot they determined for the septic tanks.  They are currently permitting with the county and working on the design.  We'll post when we have that information. 

Things are happening!


  1. Here is one more thing to think about. We are on a well also, and as we added to the areas of the yard with new sprinkler systems, (no lawn) we would occasionally run low on water from the well.
    We installed an 1800 gallon underground storage tank. The well pumps into the storage tank only, putting a lot less strain on the pump in the well as it does not have to fill the pressure tank. We installed a one horse pump in the well, and it should last for a long long time.
    In the storage tank, we also installed a one horse pump, and this is the one that fills the pressure tank. It can maintain 60 pounds of pressure even with the sprinklers running. As it works harder than the one in the well, it might have to be replaced eventually, but that will be as easy as opening the tank, pulling the old one out and dropping a new on back in. Lots easier and less expensive than pulling the well pump.
    The bonus of course is, we always have 1800 gallons of water on hand and we have not run out since we installed the tank. That's also 1800 gallons that the fire dept can use if that need ever arises. We also got a little discount on our home insurance because of the onsite storage. Tossing this out there just to give you one more thing to think about.
    Also, when you run the pipe from the well to the house, throw in an extra one and just cap it off. You never know when you might need it. Pipe is cheap compared to digging up the yard if something goes wrong in the future. In fact, any time I install a pipe for anything, I always throw in a spare. Cheap insurance for sure.

  2. OMG ... It is so exciting to see it all coming together! Do consider what Kenny has said ... what he said makes a lot of sense.


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