Sunday, October 27, 2024


Here it is, already Sunday and the last Sunday of October.  Where DOES the time go?  As this posts, I'll be heading out to the farm for one more day of packing and moving.  It was all day yesterday.  This should be it, then the movers can come soon. 

2nd Man made a nice hearty breakfast of a whole egg mixed with egg whites, sweet potatoes, onions, green bell peppers and parsley.  Sort of using up things we had in the fridge and put it all together to into one delicious breakfast!

Here is Hobart, saying hello.  He was recharging his batteries in the sunshine on his afghan on his chair in front of his favorite window.  Because...


1 comment:

  1. A very good breakfast to fuel you for the last of the packing. 2nd Man is wonderful at using up things in the fridge and making a very tasty meal!
    Hobart is using his Sphinx pose as he soaks in the solar energy.


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