Monday, October 14, 2024


 Saturday was a good day.  

It was cool and I was able to get a lot more done than previous weekends.  It's not just the heat, I'm used to that from mowing and actually, inside the house is still pretty cool with the windows open and it's nice.  But, we both work long days during the week and so our weekends have always been the time to relax and do fun stuff and mentally unwind.  The last couple of weekends, it's been a struggle to get motivated.

I think I finally figured out what happened.  We had done a little bit everywhere but not a lot in one room or the next and the next etc.  Plus all horizontal surfaces (including beds) were covered with stuff we moved from elsewhere, empty boxes we had been gathering for the last six months just stacked up and laying around, and already filled boxes and bags also sitting around.  You had to walk around and over stuff.  It made it feel more daunting than it was.  Seeing that, I realized it was time to switch strategies.

I started by moving all the empty boxes outside to the porch.  Then I took all the soft goods (blankets, quilts, kitchen towels, blankets, pillows, etc), organized them,  and put them in those plastic totes instead of where they were piled or stored.  I took them and filled up the truck.  I moved the totes to the barn instead of the storage unit.  It was a couple of trips back and forth.  Then I tackled the rest of the closets and knickknacks sitting around, wrapping them and boxing them up.  Also, my crafting area that had boxes with all sorts of supplies, I packed all of those up.  I loaded the truck again with more boxes and made two trips to the storage unit.

I didn't get a lot of pictures, I was on a roll, ha.  Here are some of the boxes and items I took to storage.  We really like to use copy paper boxes for small stuff because they are sturdy and have handles on the ends.  There is about the same amount on the other side.  Still a big storage unit which we need to put some of the big furniture in here.  Smaller things like small end tables, etc, we'll keep in the barn.

Here is the only pic I got of one of the rooms.  This is master bedroom.  Oh, I stripped the beds of blankets, quilts, comforters etc.  One of my coworkers is going to take this bed frame and mattress and box springs for her son (he needs a new bigger bed, he's a teen now).  We're keeping the guest room bed and most of the furniture in there for the new guest room.

The plan is that this week, I'm taking off Wednesday and I'll get up like I'm going to work (early) and instead, drive to the farm and spend the day (and try to beat rush hour) to finish up as much as I can.  I have lots of books to pack up and still need to get the mudroom cleared out.  We think with one day of that, we can go Saturday and finish it all up.  Then we can have the movers come get the big stuff we're keeping and then it's on to the next phase.


  1. Be careful what you put in the barn. Mice will poop all over and chew on it. Take it from me I have experience.

  2. Wonderful to be making progress toward the next phase. Forward progress then ground breaking! I will be following every step you post


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