Sunday, October 20, 2024


 Saturday was a good day (mostly, more on that Monday,ha) but when I returned home, 2nd Man had outdone himself with dinner.

He had been researching red beans and rice recipes to add to our rotation because we wanted to use this wonderful smoked turkey sausage we found that is very low in saturated fat and doesn't have all the processed stuff.  We love it (courtesy of grocery store HEB).

He made up his version, we splurged with a little white rice (because brown just wouldn't work).  The cajun trinity of veggies (onions, green bell pepper and celery), red beans, seasonings and voila, it was delicious!!

Hobart was not interested.  Well, not in the food of course, but he WAS interested in his blue fuzzy blanket and that's where he slept most of the afternoon and evening.  Because...



  1. oh yum! i love red beans and rice!

  2. I LOVE rice and beans also. One of my favorites. When combined together, they make a complete protein. And adding in the Cajun Holy Trinity of onions, celery, and bell peppers adds to the flavor and incorporates plenty of healthy vegetables. Yum!
    Hobart looks so comfy on his blankey.


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