Tuesday, May 10, 2016


I did get some stuff planted!

I don't have the irrigation set up yet, I got it (see the picture from Saturday's post) but I didn't get to that on Sunday because of the rain so we're going to go with nature's irrigation this week and then next weekend, I can get that set up.

Raised Bed Vegetables and Herbs
I planted a few plants I got at a local nursery.  

We're only going to plant in these four, for now anyway, to see how things go this first season back to planting and gardening.  We put in two eggplants, two varieties of Asian eggplant.  Then in the longer middle bed, we have Roma tomato, Homestead Heirloom tomato, and a Jalapeño.  The further bed at the end will be herbs.  For now, I put in regular basil, a purple basil and oregano.  Will add a few more next weekend, planting the herbs that we use most.

Chives in raised bed
This is funny...I was pulling weeds in this bed to just clean it up.  Mostly grass and other types of weeds but when I pulled a bit of this, I noticed the smell immediately.  These are chives from TWO seasons ago when we had some in this bed.  I thought they were gone but they just popped up again.  So I guess we have chives now too.  Nature finds a way!  

There is another raised bed (directly behind me in the top photo) that I may put some okra in.  And if I get a wild hair, might go for some yellow squash.

Fingers crossed!


  1. Looking good there. Nice to see something different in your beds besides them nasty weeds.
    I gotta have my bell peppers so planted a green as well as an orange and then also planted 2 Hot pepper plants for our son-in-laws of which are the Habanero as well as the Dragon Cayenne peppers.
    Besides the herbs you have, I also have dill and cilantro planted
    Now, get some straw and lay around all your plants

    1. Thanks! Definitely looking forward to something other than weeds too, ha. Heck, I just like clean empty beds with thoughts of what COULD be, LOL! Straw for sure!!

  2. Replies
    1. Hey John!!! Thank you much. It's not Bosoms by any means but it's getting there. :-)

  3. Did any of the plants survive from here?

    1. A few, I can't remember which ones they were, ha. The garlic didn't make it but it might be my own fault it got swallowed up by weeds, it was just so rainy last year for so long. Haven't seen any blooms yet but there is a lot of green. Fingers crossed!

  4. 1st Man - it looks like you are off to a great start! keep on keepin' on!

    sending love! your friend,

  5. i am just about to go out and start planting my lower garden. you might want to move those chives. they will keep getting bigger and bigger. i planted rhubarb, sage and thyme in my beds and now i can't get rid of them. they are a nightmare!

    1. jaz; you must not live in Texas.
      I love rhubarb but not able to grow it here in Texas :} Have tried; gets too hot in summer and not cold enough in the winter.

    2. Hmm, maybe i can make it a chive bed, ha!!! I've never eaten rhubarb, and Colleen's right it won't grow here, I wish it would. I love the idea of perennial edibles. :-)

    3. Colleen, we are limited in what we have to plant aren't we? Ha!

  6. The beds look so good after all your hard work,I hear it is a good idea to co plant the basil with the tomatoes not sure why, maybe the scent of the basil stops tomato grubs, can't have too much basil especially when it can be frozen as pesto for Summer dips and crackers with wine o'clock on the verandah.
    Mint is always handy for Summer, you might put some in a self watering pot on the verandah in a sunny spot, it will take care of itself and not rampage through a garden bed.

    Do you have a hammock for the verandah ? I think you deserve one, you work so hard out there and soon there will be time to enjoy the weekends , now that the house is organized and the gardens are shaping up.
    Hope you get time to relax and enjoy your weekends just pottering about and taking in the serenity.

    1. Thank you so much!!! I will look into the coplanting. Isn't basil wonderful? We LOVE it. And we love pesto!! Mint in a self watering pot is a great idea, thanks for that.

      No hammock but I'm working on an area near the house where we just might be able to put one. It's shady and nice. Thank you much!!!

  7. We have some perennial chives too. In fact I have already clipped them once. I love them in all savory dishes. Isn't that the best part of gardening, the surprises?

    1. Surprises are always welcome in the form of edible or flowers, ha.

  8. I see some great meals from your garden coming up! You'll soon be enjoying the fruits of all your hard labor.
    I love the tenacity of your chives - isn’t nature amazing?!
    Definitely plant the okra - it loves hot weather. Soak the okra seeds overnight - they’ll come up better.

    1. From your lips.....ha. Nature finds a way

      When is a good time to plant okra seeds. Now? Any variety that you like here in these parts?

    2. Okra grows best in hot weather, so now is a good time to plant it. I planted mine about a month ago - it's still little but it has started to grow more now that the weather is hot. The variety that I plant is Louisiana Green Velvet - I get it at a local nursery. Let me know if you can't find it, I'll send you some.

  9. We haven't planted anything yet because our weather has been wacky. All my seedlings are on my porch for now.

    1. Everyone's weather has been wacky for sure. I hope you get your planting time soon!!

  10. We have has success with Okra in Virginia and love it. Its flowers might be the best part.


  11. I live in the north east and my chives come back every year. The flowers they produce are beautiful.


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