It might have been a rainy, wet day but I still went to the farm to check on things. Plus it gets me (us when we both go) out of quarantine for a bit.
With all the rain, the garden and orchard got a nice boost of water and they are doing great.
Here are some pictures of how things are going.
First up the vegetables:
Green bell pepper plant |
Pepper plants all have blooms and even some small buds on them.
Heirloom straight neck squash |
Squash blossoms! We see some little squash on there too, pinky finger size right now so should be a few more weeks and we'll be having a squash casserole. This one plant is well on its way to filling up the raised bed that it is in and we're OK with that...more squash casseroles, ha.
Celebrity tomato |
And look! Two tomatoes (this is on the celebrity tomato plant).
Rutgers tomato |
And another tomato on the Rutgers tomato plant. Plenty of blooms starting to appear as well. Fingers crossed!
Basil |
This is the basil...not doing well for some reason and we're not sure why. We usually grow monster basil. In fact it has always taken over the entire 4x4 bed by the end of the season so this year we just planted one in the middle. Maybe it's lonely, ha, but for now I'll blame our screwy weather. This is actually looking better than last week so maybe it's finally on a growth spurt. Come on basil, we need some pesto!
Now on to the fruit trees:
Persian lime |
Person lime tree. Blooms all over and even a few tiny limes making their first appearances!
Meyer lemon |
Meyer lemon tree. Same thing, blooms all over and a few tiny lemons appearing.
Owari satsuma |
And here is the Owari satsuma orange tree. It's got about ten fruits on it all about the size of large marbles.
Anna apple |
And what do we have here? An Anna apple. But not just one there are about eight on the tree and I might have missed a couple hiding in the leaves!
Peach |
And look! A peach! OK so we may only get one but so far it's a pretty peach. This is on a peach tree we thought wouldn't make it but it's finally bearing fruit and that's OK. We posted once that this tree was on the "replacement" shortlist and now we've got one perfect looking peach. It's gotten a reprieve for now.
Bruce plum |
And lastly, here are some plums! There are about half a dozen on this tree in various stages of ripening. Since they apparently ripen at different rates, I need to see how to know when to pull them.
So that's it, so far so good.
This coming weekend (weather permitting) will be mowing and edging but also on the list is a simple deer deterring fence (albeit simple) to go around the fruit tree area. A reader sent us a video link to the idea and people swear by it. We'll see how that goes and of course details and photos when I do it.
Hope you had a good weekend!