Sunday, July 14, 2024


Well, one week ago today we were getting the outer bands of rain from Hurricane Beryl.  Today it's hot and humid and half a million are still without power.

It's been crazy but slowly returning to normal.

Last weekend, we decided to indulge but make it healthy.  Here we have burgers and fries and ketchup.  But the burgers are ground turkey, with lettuce, tomatoes, purple onions, turkey bacon, and avocado on whole wheat 21 grain buns...the French fries are thin cut and air fried with avocado oil, and the ketchup is low sodium no sugar added.  Pretty healthy for a splurge meal!

Here is Hobart watching the hurricane pass through.  The winds were gone and it just rained for hours.  He was fascinated with the drops on the window.  We let him enjoy his time, because...



  1. You and 2nd Man are becoming experts in adapting your favorite foods into healthy and tasty versions! The hamburger and fries look so delicious!
    Hobart is watching “Patio door TV” of the hurricane rain. All from the comfort and safety of your apartment. What a “#notspoiled” life he has!
    This past week has seemed like a month long for everyone. All the tree limb cleanup in the heat and humidity, trees on houses and fences, damaged roofs, no power, no AC, no hot showers, spotty cell and internet service, the fire ants and hordes of mosquitoes…. Ugh! My power was restored on Wednesday, thankfully. I feel so very sorry for all those who still do not have power in this miserable heat.

    1. THank you! Glad you finally got your power back and you are right, OMG, the mosquitoes are HORRIBLE at the farm. I was out there yesterday and it was so bad. We still have two coworkers without power and our office building (work) finally got power today.

  2. A homemade hamburger is better the a shop bought one most of the time and can be made un a more healthy way then what you buy

  3. Sometimes you just have to have a burger ... I have onion rings with mine!
    Do you think you will ever be able to replace Abbott and Paxton and get people in who will care about the people in Texas?
    Hobart knows how to make the most of a rainy day!

  4. i am hoping texas will surprise us along with the rest of amerca in november! you guys have really adapted to eating good healthy food! we might be hotter than you are. at least you have stuff that is accustomed to your heat. our native northern species are dying. it is horrible to watch this happening. i water like crazy but it is not the same as rain. we haven't had measurable rain in 2 months with temps in the 90's. joyce

  5. Good job on healthy eating! Raindrops on the window are fascinating.

  6. Great looking meal. We had almost the same thing; chicken burgers with homemade sauce. Tater tot hash browns; ( I do favor them onion rings, but none on hand, not even an onion, :-{ ). that where prepared in the waffle iron along with small pasta salad.
    You are so right about them mosquitoes being bad, right along them Chiggers. I have to use insect spray and spray myself if I plan on working outside in early morning hours. When I come in, I immediately take a shower, clothes thrown in washing machine right away. A person must do that when bitten by chiggers. Them darn insects do like the heat.
    Do take care and enjoy your day.
    Stay safe & keep cool


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