Saturday, July 20, 2024


With rain in the forecast ALL of next week, next weekend might not be a mowing weekend. Since I didn't do it last weekend "post hurricane", today is most likely the only day I have.

I'm afraid it might even be a bit too wet today but I'll see what I can do.  If I can at least mow the driveway and around the house for now, it will be good.

Hope you all have a good weekend.  More later!


  1. Enjoy your day and stay cool.
    I'm sure 2nd Man will have a nice meal waiting for you.
    Have a cool and relaxed evening

  2. I hope you are having a good weened and managed to get some mowing done

  3. I hope it wasn’t too wet to mow today.
    Last summer, we were begging for some rain during our drought. No problem with that now.

  4. The mower came in the afternoon after a morning rain. Not sure how he mowed, but the grass looked fine. It has rained every day since, so maybe he was right.

  5. Sunday; having light much needed rain this morning. Cloudy and no sign of sign and having much cooler temperatures this morning.


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