Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Here is a little teaser of the new house...

This is a computer generated image of our actual house plan.  More will be revealed in future posts, we have to make it exciting, ha.  Yes, it will be red and white, like a barn.  We kind of started on the outside and worked our way in, ha.  Those who have followed the blog for a long time know that we always wanted the house to be barn red.  We have our outbuildings that color and it just seemed like a natural to have the house match.

The builder uses Sherwin Williams paint throughout (inside and out) so the fun part has been going to the SW store and looking at a million paint samples.  OK, so not a million but it sure seems like it, ha. 

We pulled these (and one more in white we forgot to put in this picture).  They were the closest to barn red that we imagined.  We know that in these computer pics it will be hard to tell but some were too bright red (we don't want fire engine red) and some had too much purple.  A few we didn't bother with since they were orange or rust tones.  We looked at all of them outside in the full sun because that's how it will be seen.

In the end, we narrowed it down to what they call "Poinsettia" for the red color and "Cotton" for white on the trim, shutters, decorative elements and porch railing.  We get three colors on the exterior without paying extra for paint, and we have something in mind for the third but more on that in a future post.  The front door will be talked about in another post as well because, well, that's exciting too, ha.

Inspiration, image courtesy of wikicommons

The colors are subject to change, let's be honest, the exterior painting is one of the last things done, so we could change our mind before it gets to that point...but not from the red and white, we're set on that.  Photos like the one above have been an inspiration to us for a long time as we planned.

Not our house, yet

Lastly, as you can see on that house in the previous picture, we liked the look of the vertical siding.  We had options brick, stone, regular siding, etc.  In the end we chose a James Hardie board and batten exterior siding, to reflect a barn/farmhouse look, as in the example above.  The siding on the outbuildings is also vertical like this (not board and batten of course) so it will keep things looking deliberate instead of accidental, ha.

Next time, the third color in a special place!


  1. this is so very exciting! joyce

  2. It's going to be beautiful, I love the colors you have chosen ! Our friends just resided their home with Hardie Board in a beautiful blue color, and looks so timeless.
    Can't wait to see the door !!

    1. Blue was on our list but with the house being close to the outbuildings, we figured we'd just keep it the same.

  3. I like the initial color choices ... plus the design of the house! It's all so exciting!

    1. Thanks! It's not exactly a farmhouse design (no big wrap around porch) but we're making it as much like we can to look like one from the outside.

  4. It’s so wonderful seeing your dream become a reality!

    1. To quote a line from The Office, "it's happening!!!" ha. Thanks!

  5. Color is great. You want to make sure the house is abnormally above ground level so water doesn't stand under it or accumulate under it or against it. You do not want any moisture in house that doesn't have to be there.

    1. Yes for sure. They will be coming soon to do a site evaluation and do all that so we are curious to see how they will do that. It will be on a slab so definitely want it high above and no water against it.

  6. I like the look of the house, I really like the colour

    1. Thank you, we hope it all comes out looking like we hope, ha. We're happy with our colors...on the outside. The inside is a bit more stressful, ha.

  7. Excited for you both. I like idea for all your farm buildings blending in same color combination. That is what we have done here; sheds and house all same color. (less paint colors to buy that way)
    For a farm house, you planning on having a screen door or not?
    Have a Great day and enjoy the rest of the week.

    We received just a tad over of an inch of rain yesterday. Sunday, not quite an inch.
    Nice to have the rainfall but now the yard needs mowing again but more rain (slight chance) in the forecast.

    1. We're going to have them (extra $ of course) repaint the shed and barn the same colors (time for a freshening anyway) at the same time (that's still MONTHS away) so that they all look the same at the same time, ha.

      It's rained out there but th heavier has been more in Houston and South. We'll see how it is this weekend.

  8. When we built the Lodge we used Hardie board for the siding but a deep green.

    1. Oooh I bet deep green was pretty. Hardie is pretty common down here, it holds up best to our weather extremes too. We could have done brick or stone or any number of other things but settled on this. We just like the look to keep with farmhouse-y style.

  9. How wonderful! The barn red and white combination is so classic and crisp...love it. Also absolutely love board and batten. Can't wait to see how your project develops. Building a house is one of the most fun, most creative experiences in the work. Have a great time, and don't get overwhelmed by the myriad decisions you will need to make...all part of the fun!

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words. It's been fu so far but I'm sure there might be a hiccup or two but we'll keep focused on having fun. :-)

  10. It's had its moments of feeling a bit overwhelming but all in all it's been good so far.

  11. My grandma's old farmhouse was red with white trim ... I saw it a few years back and current owners painted it a kind of pail cream ... and not kept it up at all ... I will always remember it being red ... it's a wonderful color out in farm country.


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