Sunday, August 11, 2024


 It's been a HOT weekend.  I did what I could at the farm yesterday and so today is staying in so we don't OVERDO it.  While I was at the farm, 2nd Man made one of our favorite meals.

We always loved a Sunday pot roast with veggies. Since we don't eat beef anymore, we have started enjoying a roasted chicken with lots of veggies.  We get a large chicken (this was a 7 lb one) and we season it but no oil.  Then we just grab a random assortment of veggies.  We chose: sweet potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, mini peppers, garlic, Brussels sprouts, and for something different this time, fennel bulbs.

We put it all on our largest sheet pan and into the oven they go to roast until done.  We remove the skin when we eat it and it's all on a rack so the fat drains through.  Oh my gosh, it's so good and so satisfying.  We also get to eat on it for two or three days.

Hobart definitely keeps an eye on us when he smells the chicken cooking.  He might be older, but his nose still works well, ha.  Of course, he gets his own little plate of chicken (and sweet potatoes, he loves them).  Because...



  1. As always, the meal looks delicious!
    Is there a reason you can't use extra virgin olive oil 🫒? It's heart healthy and probably not artery glogging!
    Hobart is looking especially judgemental and suspicious! LOL ❤️

  2. Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner! Probably the same thing that Hobart is thinking! Chicken Dinner for three! Yum!

  3. We love baked chicken with lots of vegetables, but we bake it in a Reynold's Cooking Bag. Since we eat bscb, mostly, there is no fat to drain. The absolute best part about this meal is that it lasts a few days. Sometimes, we freeze a breast or two so we have it for meal when cooking is not convenient. Sometimes, we just use it for a sandwich.

  4. Beautiful, healthy meal.
    Also had chicken, but I used 2 lbs. ground up chicken and made into 20 nice size meatballs. When bakes, you dip in red sauce or pour the sauce over the top and sprinkle with cheese and leave in oven till cheese is melted and sauce is heated.
    Had homemade home fries with sliced up onion and thinly sliced bell peppers to go with along with pasta salad.
    Enjoy your day


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