Monday, August 5, 2024


 Saturday we had our 'color appointment' at the builder (more on that in upcoming posts) and so Sunday was the mowing day.  At the bottom of this post is the kindness of the neighbor.

I was worried it might be too wet to mow...

...this cracked us up when we saw it.  Fortunately it was not too wet, though I did stay off the trails, this weekend anyway.

This was before.  Definitely needed to mow, it's been over two weeks since the last time.

Because I skipped a few areas, it was still a little shorter than normal when it comes to time, but distance was more because I had to mow over the same areas a few times to get it fully cut.

Not the best look but hey, it's done.  I didn't get to edge because, frankly, it was too hot.  With zero chance of rain over the next week, I shouldn't have to mow so next weekend will be tidying things up.  I'll be honest, I wouldn't mind a few weeks without rain.

It was hot, felt like 113 when I left.  But the best part of the day?

I was mowing and "J" from 2nd Family came driving down the driveway and brought a surprise:

She said "here, I worry about you in the heat and so I made you some fresh lemonade!".  How sweet!  It was full of ice and so refreshing.  This was after I had about half of it and realized I needed to take a picture before I consumed it all, ha.

And served in a mason jar, perfection on a hot day!  It really will be wonderful having such a great neighbor.

Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. hey, no matter what your yard looks like, at least it's mowed. All you have to do now is bale it. :-)
    What a sweet neighbor you have. Can't get much better than that on a Hot summer day then having a refreshing jar of homemade lemonade.
    Have a great day and enjoy your evening.
    Stay cool, as we have many hot days ahead of us yet.

  2. Looks like wonderful lemonade.

  3. As I scrolled down and saw the canning jar, I thought ---"moonshine."

  4. I am not a fan of what you call lemonade and what we would call lemon squash but if you liked it that's all good

  5. Your neighbor bringing you the quart jar of lemonade was sooo kind and thoughtful. and just what you needed on a hot day!
    I have often thought, as Colleen said, you could have someone in your area bale hay from your yard.


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