Sunday, August 18, 2024


Another week has flown by.  It's hot.  But there's always time for good food and Hobart!  The other night was our anniversary and while we'll go out later for a special dinner, every dinner at home is special, ha.

2nd Man made oven roasted pork chops that we marinate in this orange pepper seasoning for a couple of days before,   It's so good.  Then he used to make white rice with corn and jalapeƱos and now he's adapted it to brown rice with the same ingredients and it's so yummy.  We started with a salad too, we eat salads with almost every meal now.

We had to have dessert for the special occasion, so for portion control, we had cake balls and I bought some Halo Top ice cream (only 1 gram of saturated fat per serving, which was 1/2 the pint, we only had 1/4, ha).

Hobart was unimpressed.  There were some towels on the floor for laundry and he found them and took over.  Slept there for a couple of hours and it made me have to wait to do those towels later. We let him because...



  1. That meal looks and sounds great! I love brown rice better than white, Uncle Ben's Parboiled Brown rice is the best I have found.

  2. That's a nice looking meal and Hobart looks so comfortable

  3. Delicious meal! 2nd Man is a genius in adapting your meals into healthier versions.
    Hobart looks so comfy on his impromptu napping place.

  4. Great looking meal.
    I love pork chops put I prefer the boneless. For me; I just can't see paying extra money for the weight of a bone; but that's just me.
    We had pork loin baby back ribs, home fries with sliced bell pepper and onion, nice pasta salad and made individual corn bread muffins, only because had no bread in the freezer. (cutting back on bread) In fact, I now have my homemade hamburgers on a lettuce leaf, (no bun) along with my sliced tomato, onion, pickles, etc.


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