Saturday, August 10, 2024


Hoping I don't have to mow today, it hasn't rained since last week so I might be able to skip.  I want to edge because that it out of control.  I stocked up on fuel and weedeater line so I should be good to go.

Also hope to start sorting through things inside the house.  It's going to have to be packed up soon so that we can get things moving along.

This was yesterday afternoon at 4pm.  100 degrees with a feels like of 118 degrees.

It's definitely Summer in Houston!  I have a cooler full of water and some snacks.

Hope your weekend is off to a great start!


  1. Come to S. CO, it's cooler up here! Temps in the low to mid 80s for the next 7 days!
    Watch out for those hogs!

  2. It's how many days till Fall???
    It's so Hot, the ice cream truck is melting. :-}
    Texas weather has a split personality: scorching hot or freezing cold.
    Enjoy your weekend and stay safe and cool

  3. Do you have a hog repellent just in case? Be careful in the heat no matter how much water you have!

  4. I hope you had a good day at the Farm. It sure was another hot day!


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