Sunday, January 19, 2025


 It's a cold day, down to 27 this morning, but it's about to get absolutely bone chilling cold for us (teens) along with perhaps record snowfall!

I went to the farm yesterday (it was gorgeous, 60's and sunny) and got the last of the plants to save from the freeze.  Came back and 2nd Man made us some miso seared mahi-mahi over brown, red and wild rice with cranberries and green onions.  It was so good!

Hobart is getting settled in for his long Winter's nap...we covered him up and he was watching me take pictures but it only took a few minutes until...

...he was sacked out.  He slept here for 3 hours uninterrupted.  Because...


1 comment:

  1. Your Chef Hubby makes so many delicious salmon-centered meals, it makes me want to have it more often! Last week I did have some Ahi tuna and it is delicious, as well!
    Gonna go down to 8° here tonight! 11° is forecast for tomorrow! Absolutely will not be watching the inauguration tomorrow!
    Stay warm!


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