Friday, January 10, 2025


 Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock where people can put the things they don't want.  I've found quite a few cool items over the last few years.

Saw these the other day, my guess is 'after Christmas discard of decorations' as we usually find every year.  I grabbled a box to put them in and brought them upstairs to check them out.  Here they are:

Two really nice red berry covered topiaries.  I'm not sure what they are actually called, not even sure what kind of berry it's supposed to be, ha.  They are fairly tall, have metal urns that are distressed looking and overall, they look like they are newly purchased.

Very Christmasy and in a way, I think they could be Valentine's Day decor too.  Heck, maybe a blue ribbon and a flag might even make them 4th of July, ha.  Whatever we use them for, someone else didn't want them and so now they will adorn our new house when decorating for the holidays!


  1. They definitely look topiary-like and the berries look like cranberries! You are going to miss that trash area once you move!

  2. Being these are a Christmas item; I agree with Marcia in that they are faux cranberries.
    If you want; you could even spray paint them metal urns.
    They make for a wonderful decorating item.
    No matter how they will be used, you have a great decorating item.
    You are really gong to miss that downstairs trash to treasure area.
    We have a light coating of snow on the ground and it's Cold; 32 deg.
    You both take care, stay safe and stay warm

  3. Great ideas for how to use them. I would love to see them done up for July 4.

  4. Those were probably pretty pricey. Wonder why someone discarded?

  5. Maybe you could get a special dispensation to drop by the trash room. Well, I can dream for you. I love those. Frankly, those could be a year round decoration. Use a dark orange for a fall/Halloween use. Spraying those urns would be a travesty! Stick some flags in them for the patriotic holidays. Great find!


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