Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Our two dearest friends just welcomed their first child into the world today.
WOW.  What an amazing moment that was for them.

Cameron is just beautiful and adorable and just plain awesome!
We're going to be the best "Uncles" ever!

We can't wait to introduce him to the joys of living in the country.
Oh sure, he'll have the best of city life, exposure to museums, art, music, etc, but
we'll make sure he also knows all about nature and the environment
and appreciates food and all things natural as well.

Congratulations A & C !
Thanks for letting us share in the moment!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are the greatest friends and Cameron doesn't know yet but he has great uncles! Can't wait for his first museum trip and hi first experience with nature out at the farm


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