Thursday, October 25, 2012


Photo courtesy of:
Last week, I posted an image of a random flower bed.  I loved the random nature of it, and then I saw this one.  Formal and obviously planned, but SO pretty.  I love the contrast of the green grass and the bright colors of the flowers.  It's always nice to have varying heights of flowers, from low to tall.

A lot, if not all, of these flowers are annuals, so I'm guessing at this time of year, it's more than likely just an empty and weed covered spot of dirt in the middle of the yard, ha.  Still, this picture makes me long for Spring, which is a long Winter away.

Today is blog day off, I'll get back to your comments and have new posts tomorrow.  Have a great day!


  1. that is a beautiful flower bed! i wish fall and winter would last all year long!

    1. I wish we could have Fall, skip Winter, have Spring, and skip Summer, LOL!

  2. Lovely flower bed filled with deer candy! It would have to be fenced here. I don't think of winter as long at all - the winter solstice is December 21st, after which the days get lighter with the rapid march to spring! We are looking forward to some winter time to rest up before the next season arrives.

    1. Deer candy, i like that phrase, ha. It's eye candy for us, and candy for them LOL! Maybe it just seems long when we are anxious for Spring to return.

  3. You really need this flower garden. Really! You love it so much you blogged about it twice, LOL! I KNEW I'd seen that photo before.....go look at your Dec. 15, 2011 post.

    It's OK, 1st. Man. It happens to all of us as we begin to age.


    1. D'oh!!!!!!!! I'm getting old, darn it. Hey, maybe I should take it as a sign that I DO need to create this next Spring huh? Maybe I should print this photo and figure out where to put it in the yard? Thanks for being my memory, Granny!! ;-)

  4. I love flower beds like this, look at all the stunning colours!

    1. So pretty isn't it? Thanks for stopping by!!


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