Saturday, September 23, 2017


Well, yesterday was supposedly the first day of Fall (side note, we love the word Autumn but it's so rarely used).  I'm sure it is nice for many of you all around the country but for us...'s far from it.  

91 today?  Ugh.  That's why Fall gardening is so tricky in these parts.  Many veggies need those cool temps and the weather here can trick you into thinking it's Fall when it's really still Summer. So today the plan is to not mow (hoping it hasn't grown much since last weekend) and all I'll have to do is edge.  Then I'm going to work on the irrigation for the Fall garden and lastly water the trees and flowerbeds.  In this heat and still humidity, that's about it for the weekend, hopefully the last HOT weekend for awhile, but we'll have to wait and see. 

They say we might have season's first cold (cool?) front next week (the reason for rain in the forecast) and next weekend will be cool.  We'll see... 

More later, off to the farm as this posts. We hope your weekend is off to a cooler start!


  1. same here. we are actually a bit warmer during the day and just a bit cooler at night. fall should return on friday. i've had it with this weather!

    1. Yes, we've had it as well. Ugh. Summer was long and hot and humid (and unfortunately ended with a disaster in Harvey). Come on cool weather!!!

  2. On this side of the world we do say autumn.
    She can be a treacherous beast where temperature is concerned though.
    Envious (as always) of your rain.
    Take care.

    1. That's neat. So few here in the states use the word Autumn. Wish I could get some rain your direction!!

  3. I love autumn, it is my favourite season by far. We had a taste of summer yesterday and it is only just spring. Temps reached 36ºC yesterday (96.8F) and even hotter inland, up to 40. Thankfully temperatures are down again for the next week. Praying for rain, haven't had any for so long.

    1. I forget that you have Summer when we have Winter. I'm sure I'll be complaining about the cold at some point, ha.

  4. I have sunbathed at the beach in Galveston in February. It is tricky to know what to plant. I lived around the corner from the original Teas, so I always knew what to plant. Not anymore.

    1. isn't that crazy? Yep, we have an event every year called Light in the Heights. It's a one night Christmas event. Same Saturday in December every single year. It's been so cold we're bundled up like the North Pole, other years it's hot and humid with mosquitoes everywhere. It's been changing year after year. It's crazy.

  5. Can't wait for the cooler temperatures.
    Hope you get a lot accomplished that you want to accomplish today.
    Me; well, I'm still painting furniture. Daughter brought in a old tear drop coffee table so will have to figure out what I will do with it.
    It's a heavy thing that's for sure but do have a couple things in mind on what I will be doing with it. We shall see. I still have a 3 drawer dresser, 2 outside metal chairs along with a bed frame yet that needs to be repurposed yet.
    Thank goodness I have a shed now that I can actually work in instead of doing everything outside.
    Have a great evening along with a wonderful weekend.
    Right now; in process of making a couple of cast iron skillet pizza's and being it's my hubby's birthday today, made him a small birthday cake

    1. You are the queen of repurposing!! Love it!! If you lived closer I'd pay you for things like that, ha.

      Skillet pizza sounds wonderful.

      And tell Mr. Hubby happy birthday from both of us!!

  6. It is finally Autumn! I just wish Mother Nature would tell Texas it’s alright to cool down a bit.

    1. Yep, just a bit cooler and it will be perfect. Can't wait. As it stands I didn't do much because it was still just so hot and yucky. Update tomorrow!


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