Y'all probably saw the post prior to this, so needless to say this weekend was going to be light duty. I went to the farm mid morning, really wanted to sleep in but work to be done, specifically, mowing. This was the third weekend since the last time I mowed.

Opened the shed and two of the tires on Zen Machine II were flat! Picked up some mesquite thorns the last time I mowed. Fortunately, I had purchased some "Slime" for this very possibility. We used this years ago on the first Zen Machine tires after a few flats and they never had a flat after that.
One bottle will do four tires on a riding mower according to the bottle so to be proactive, I went ahead and did all four tires. It coats the inside with a self-sealing coating so that future punctures seal themselves.
Using the bottle of Slime and my Halo Bolt air compressor/charger (Christmas gift from 2nd Man couple years back) they saved the day. The bottle gives you a special tool that lets you unscrew the valve stem pin, then a hose that you use to put in 8 oz slime, you screw the pin back in and just fill the tire to the proper, normal air pressure.
They worked perfectly the rest of the day, never lost any air and if I ran over any more thorns, I didn't know.

Mowed for a little over an hour and a half but I was tired. No edging, even though I needed to.

The yard looks good once again but it was definitely a very warm day on Saturday.
When I left at about 2:30, it was a 'feels like' of 103 degrees. Yep, that was enough for one day back after COVID. Everything else was fine, fruit trees/bushes are doing great, more update on that later.
When I woke up on Saturday, I almost decided to put it off to Sunday. Glad I didn't, as it rained pretty heavily on and off all day Sunday. Now THAT was a good day to sleep in and sleep we did. We needed the rest.
Both feeling much better today as this posts. The forecast this week is for a good chance rain most every day. Glad the mowing is done, in case I have to skip it this coming weekend.