Monday, May 30, 2011


The USPS is releasing a new series of stamps, pushing a GO GREEN movement.  

Apparently, the US Post Office has been going green over the last few years.  They have reduced their energy costs, become the first shipping company to get a certification for 
eco-friendly packaging, and they were the first Federal agency to publicly report greenhouse gas emissions.  

The stamps give suggestions that each of us can do to live a greener life.

Buy local produce, reuse bags...
Fix water leaks...
Share rides...
Turn off lights when not in use...
Choose to walk...
Let nature do the work...
Recycle more...
Ride a bike...
Plant trees...
Insulate the home...
Use public transportation...
Use efficient light bulbs...
Adjust the thermostat...
Maintain tire pressure...

It's nice to see this.  Since we bought the farm, or since we first started thinking about it actually, we've come to a new appreciation of land and nature and it really makes you realize, especially when you grow your own food, that our environment is important.  We need to do what we can.

You can read about it, and order stamps, HERE.

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