Saturday, July 1, 2023


I had to use up some vacation days before my work anniversary date so I took off Friday and Monday and we're closed Tuesday so I get FIVE days off.  Yay!

But it is hot.

Yesterday was mowing day.  Grass is starting to turn to Summer drought beige, ha.  There is a 50% chance of rain next week which sounds promising but that only means there's an equal chance it won't.

But I survived, lots of hydration and a few porch breaks...mowed, watered and came back to ac, ha!

Wish I could have five days of working outside and doing something but it's just SO hot.  Dangerously hot they say.  This is yesterday when I left the farm.  It was 99 with a 'feels like' of 111.  It got hotter after I left, I think we reached 100 and a 116 'feels like' temp.

We used to say August was the month of doing as little as possible outside but this year, it's part of June and most likely a large part of July.

Today, we ran a few errands, had an appointment to get both of our TSA Pre✅ set up (so we can travel easier) and then we went on an adventure to one of our favorite stores, 99 Ranch, to find some fun new ingredients.  More on that in an upcoming post.

Tomorrow are BBQ ribs, coleslaw and some NASCAR...

Hope you are all staying cool.


  1. Mowing in that weather could be a killer, but you are wise enough to hydrate and porch rest. Tommy's St. Augustine grass thrives in this weather, but, thankfully never gets too tall. I like it deep, but he shears it off really short, stressing the grass.

  2. I’m glad you took plenty of hydration and rest breaks. Because this earlier than usual extreme heat is nothing to mess with.

  3. Glad to hear that you are playing it safe in these extreme temperatures along with the heat index.
    Yesterday here was actually really nice for working outside for a few extra hours in the morning. Cloudy like it could had rained,(rain; no such luck) had a nice breeze and no triple digit temperatures. I was actually able to do more outside work than in previous days.
    Nascar Sunday; you have a great meal planned. Hamburgers; along with all the fix'n's, potato or a taco salad and deviled eggs for our household. Of course, I gotta have some onion rings.
    Enjoy your day, as well as them races.

  4. We had storms Friday and Saturday that brought us much needed rain. Our yard needs mowed but it can wait until tomorrow when the temperature is supposed to be cooler with low humidity. Sounds like a great menu! Looking forward to your post on your shopping trip.

  5. My goodness! Stay safe and hydrated. There is nobody around you when you go out there and that means bad things happen. Please be careful in this heat out there.
    Last night we thought a rain storm up near Comanche might come south and there was a huge buildup west of us. I prayed it would hit us last night or early this morning but nope, it fizzled out. That means I'm going to have to give the Goddess a sparkly thing to get some rain. She likes sparkly things.


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