Sunday, July 9, 2023


Last weekend was the 4th and our semiannual tradition of BBQ this is from then since they were still cooking when I put up the post.

I always make a couple of racks of ribs and then 2nd Man's favorite "not sweet coleslaw" and some of the pickled red onions I did a while back.  We also had some homemade bread on the side.

We split one rack on Sunday and then on Tuesday for the actual 4th of July...

...we split the other rack and had the rest of the coleslaw.  It was yummy!

Here's a great picture of Hobart we took last weekend as well.  We told him to pose for the picture because he has fans on the blog, LOL!  Not a bad looking kitty for almost 18 years old.  He lives a good life because...




  1. Your meal looks so delicious (as always), but that Hobart! He is a gorgeous guy!!😊

    1. Aww, thank you for that! I will relay the message, ha.

  2. My God ... those ribs look picture perfect and look absolutely delicious!
    You should frame that picture of Hobart ... It's the most beautiful picture I have ever seen of him!

    1. thank you for that. They were good for sure. 2nd Man loves when I cook them. And yep, I took about ten pictures in a row to get that one and we both said "wow, we should print that and frame it". :-)

  3. Good all around - the most delicious food and the most beautiful cat!

    1. Thank you, it was yummy and yeah, we have to admit, he's kind of a nice looking kitty, ha. We always felt we were biased of course, ha.

  4. Frame that picture. He has a beautiful coat and eyes. Now, i am hungry. What is your recipe for not sweet cole slaw?

    1. We will, thank you. Stay tuned, I took pics of the coleslaw as I made it and I'll put together a post.

  5. Hobart is the star of this post for me. And of course he is not spoiled. He is just getting some of what he deserves. You ask him.

    1. Thank you. He's the star of the household most of the time, so we understand, ha. He would definitely agree.

  6. oh wow, hobart is 18 years old! my two kitties lived to be 21 and 22. i miss them so much.

    1. Yep, he was born in November of 2005, we found him abandoned as a kitten in Jan of 2006. So yep, he'll be 18 this year. 21 and 22? Wow that's awesome. It is so hard, we just say love them every day and enjoy the time we have. We would be blessed to have him to 21 or 22. :-)

  7. Ribs and coleslaw - can’t beat that for deliciousness!
    That’s a really beautiful picture of Hobart. And this time he’s awake to show off his gorgeous eyes!

    1. Thanks about the food. And yep, we know how we always catch him sleeping (since that's what he does best) so when he was looking at me, I started taking pictures, ha.


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