Sunday, July 30, 2023


 Well, as Shark Week on Discovery Channel comes to an end, I had a surprise for 2nd Man...

I got these back in February (Valentines Day) and held onto them for this week.  A little July Shark Week Valentines is always welcome, right?  They made the perfect dessert treat and besides, he's FINTASTIC!

Speaking of a seems we got a little rain at the farm and guess who showed up?

No, not a #farmshark...

Jason Momoa aČ™ Aquaman at the farm


OK, well maybe not but hey, we could always hope, right?


  1. What a fun treat for 2nd Man! That took some planning and then remembering. You’re Fintastic too!
    Glad you got some rain at the Farm. And you even got a visit from Aqua Man! Hopefully he didn’t bring any Land Sharks with him.
    No rain here. Just Hot and Dry, Hot and Dry….

    1. The rain was brief, just enough to make things steamy and even more miserable, ha. I think it probably evaporated, LOL. Yep, I bought those in February but I kept them in my desk drawer at work so I wouldn't forget where I put them. They were cute and it was a nice treat with a coffee (for him) and tea for me.

  2. Oh, wouldn’t we all like a visit from Aqua Man!


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