Sunday, May 12, 2024


Here we are, another week gone by.  Yesterday was supposed to be mowing day, but things didn't go exactly as planned.  More on that tomorrow.  Today is rainy.

Time for some good food and some Hobart!

We started with a salad of baby spinach with spring greens and mini Roma tomatoes...

And then the main course, oven roasted Mahi-Mahi with shrimp and potatoes with Aleppo pepper and topped with sriracha and chives.


Hobart is unimpressed by the good we moved the couch cushion out of the way so he has room to spread out while sleeping.  Because...


And of course Happy Mother's Day to all of you out there!  2nd Man and I lost our mothers years ago but we always think of them and hold their memories close.  Hope you all have a wonderful day and get the wonderful treatment you deserve!


  1. I have never heard of mini Roma tomatoes. Interesting.

  2. I sit and read and forget what I read so I read again and still all I can think of to say is that Tim likes mini Roma tomatoes and that I had a good Mother's Day even though I miss my mum more than words can express

  3. A delicious and beautiful meal! 2nd Man really knows how to make meals not only delicious and healthy but beautiful in presentation. We eat with our eyes first!
    Hobart living his best life - with his perfectly trained dads!

  4. Bringing Sunshine to your plate, one recipe at a time.'


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