Sunday, April 7, 2013


 Vintage Save Waste Fats for Explosives poster, image courtesy of US National Archives

This one is REALLY cool.  During WWII, they used rendered waste fats in the creation of explosives for the war effort. I'm not sure exactly how that was done.  And in this day and age, I'm not going to Google a "how to" on explosives manufacturing, ha.

Still it was a pretty neat thing that they had housewives doing for the troops.  They were already reusing oil and waste fats as much as possible at home and when it was no longer possible to reuse them, that's when they were urged to take them in to their butcher or meat dealer.

The artwork on this poster is pretty nice as well.  Enjoy your trip into the past.
I've been spending the weekend getting some projects done at the farm.  More in an update either tonight or tomorrow.

Hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. Very interesting and definitely a no google option, haha

    1. Ha, that was my thought exactly. I really started to type in "how to make...." then thought better about it.

  2. Save duck fat for explosives! Never! I much prefer to use it for fabulous roast potatoes...

  3. I know what you mean. Sometimes I have to think twice before I google something. Interesting fact!

    1. Yep, sad, but true state of the world we live in. :-)

  4. Okay, someone had to look it up: " Salvaged kitchen fat was used to produce glycerin, an ingredient in drugs and explosives. " Now we all know ... and I'm off to delete my search history. ;-D (No, really, for a nice article about those WWII scrap drives, click here.)

    1. Thank you for that. It's fascinating, than you for the link. I love history like that. Thanks again!


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