SO.......this weekend was time...time to do what I've put off for the last couple of weeks. First of all, 2nd Family has been going to the house at least once a day to check the trap we set up in the bathroom. Much like a fisherman who sets his line and waits, only to find nothing on the other end, same with our trap. Nothing in it and nothing had eaten the bait.
On the plus side there was no poop and no shredded floor this time around.
There was only one thing left to do. Go into the attic.
The house doesn't have a standard drop down attic staircase, it's one of the "stand on a rickety ladder and push your head up through the opening" types. Oh and no light up there either. So it's really one of those "stand on a rickety ladder and push your head up through the opening and into complete darkness" types. I've seen those movies...they never end well...
With trepidation, and great bravery (be nice!) I pushed the door open. I half expected bats to fly out. Or snakes to drop down. I hate snakes. And spiders.
But I digress...
Armed with the flashlight in one hand, the machete in the other, and my cell phone in my pocket, you know, in case I needed to, um, check my email, I stuck my head into the opening...
OK, so it wasn't that.
So here goes...brace yourself...look away if you are easily frightened...
Oh, it's just an old ventilation duct....
A GIANT INSECT WITH ANTENNAE!!!!!'s a TV antenna "Ma" left behind when she moved...
So, it turns out there was nothing up there, certainly not of the SyFy Channel variety. The imagination is indeed a powerful tool.
We did discover that the attic is fairly well insulated, though it could probably stand to be straightened up a bit. There are actually TWO layers of insulation, that's why this stands up so high. But the reconnaissance mission was not without some intel...check this out!
I found a hole in the eave of the house that you can't see from the ground!! There was even some nesting material. Not sure if a bird or what.
Here it is closeup:
Hole in attic |
Any idea what could create a hole like this?
Looks like a router saw was taken to it? Very odd. It's a good 6" across...big enough for all manner of creatures to enter and exit.
I have not sealed it up yet. We're trying to think what we could do to drive out anything that MIGHT be up there and give it a chance to leave before sealing it up forever. Also spotted one other small opening that I did seal up. Side note, a dark attic with no light is actually a great way to find out where the holes are when you look at it in the daylight.
We left the trap down with fresh bait and we'll give it another week. If nothing comes in, we'll move it outside the bathroom and leave it in the living room and just make sure nothing is hiding elsewhere.
SO I guess, this latest installment of "Random Country Creature Encounters" ends with a few answers, still no creature in the trap and the possibility that maybe we've sealed up most everything (other than that one spot in the attic).