Monday, August 21, 2023


Hot.  A quick trip out.

I watered the fruit trees/bushes first.

A couple weekends ago, I brought a chair from the garden and put it in the shade of the house.  I set the water hose in each raised fruit bed, turn it on and set a timer for three minutes.  That gives them about 15 gallons of water and so far, so good.  The fig is a bit parched, I gave it extra but all we can do is hope we get a break soon though it doesn't look promising.

You can see in the pic above, the grass is almost all summer beige now.  That green patch is where the septic tank and leach field is.  I guess a few gallons of water per week are keeping that green, ha.

This was yesterday afternoon...we made it to 108.  Broke a record out there.

I opened the shed to apologize to Zen Machine 2 for his lack of use...his day would be coming once it rains.  Check out the grass here, definitely not green.  I was standing there and decided it would be good to to run it and keep it all going smoothly.

I drove it about 5 minutes or so before I remembered to turn on my app to keep track, so about 10 minutes of using it.  I mowed a couple of areas in the shade where it was still greenish, and then put it up.

It was 106 when I left.

Check out this forecast for the next ten days:

106, 104, 102, 103, 106, 106, 106, 106, 103, 103...YIKES!

Summer continues with a vengeance...


  1. YUP. Our yard looks the same; Triscuit Crackers.
    Enjoy your day and have a wonderful evening.
    Stay safe and keep cool

    1. Triscuits!!!! Now that made us laugh. So true. Same to you, be safe and cool!

  2. I am so glad I don't live in Texas, however, Colorado is plenty hot 🔥 enough for me!

    1. Yeah, we have seen y'all have had unusual heat for you too. Hang in there, cooler weather is just around the corner...

  3. It’s been 3 weeks of 100+ temps so far and now it will continue until September – ugh!
    I was hoping we might get some rain from the tropical system that is in the Gulf. But it looks like it’s going in around Corpus Christi, so that’s a bit too far south for us to get any rain from it.
    So the Dog Days of Summer continue.

    1. Yes, we were hoping too...just making a beeline for South TX. They need it too so at least they'll get some but hoping we get some at some point. Though the next ten days don't look promising. Dog days continue! Stay cool!

  4. That's funny, in New York the septic tank is always the first to burn out because the soil is shallow and dried out quicker. That's how we find it so we can have it pumped.

  5. Google Ollas used for watering during a drought you can purchase or try making a home made with terra cotta pots, they work!


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