Sunday, August 27, 2023


We are on track today to break the all time hottest temperature ever recorded in Houston.

Can't wait.  NOT!

We shall remain inside where it's safe and cool.

The other night, we had some chicken flautas using our frozen cooked chicken and 2nd Man made corn tortillas.  We topped them with shredded lettuce, cheeses and salsa.  Yummy, as always.

So you all know Hobart has his special glass of water in the middle of the dining room floor, well he also has a bowl of water in the bathroom and one beside his food dish.  He will drink out of them normally but he also "plays" in the water with his paw...

...and then licks his paw dry.  Hey, we keep him well hydrated, that's for sure.  Because...



While the official high was 109, the weather station near the farm got to 112.  Still broke the all-time highest temperature for the record books.


  1. Yum - those flautas looks delicious! With homemade tortillas!
    Hobart is such a character! Like a kid, playing with the water. And all while enjoying his air conditioned home, not having to brave the outdoor heat. Which was 107 here today!

  2. I love flautas!! They look delicious. Hobart is adorable as always. My cat drinks from his bowls and from the faucet. Yes, another spoiled cat.

  3. At least Hobart is very dignified with his water. I have a cat who used to like drinking out of the potty. We bought him one of those water gurgling fountains, and he likes that now. Guess he just wanted running water.
    Stay cool! Yummy flautas!

  4. My daughter's cat (black, just like Hobart) likes to dip her paw in the water bowl, too. She also likes to toss her favorite toy "Mousie" into the bowl for a swim. We have no idea why she does this: does Mousie need a bath, does Mousie dream of hot-tubbing, has Mousie been bad and needs a good ducking? No clue, but it gets a bit exasperating to rescue him, dry him off, and clean/refresh the water. Gotta love those inscrutable felines!


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