Tuesday, April 9, 2024


Saturday was a perfect day for mowing.  I thought about skipping, but with heavy rain in the forecast, I figured if I waited, it would be even worse this weekend and maybe too wet to mow then.

So, it was a great day of mowing, cool breeze and just perfect weather.  I was having a great time until a glitch happened that hadn't ever happened before.

I was mowing a trail and I went through an area where the branches were hanging across the path.  I did as I always do, ducked down and drove slowly through them.  However, on one of the branches (mesquite), a thorn caught my hat and pulled it off.  I stopped the mower and got off and looked around to see where it landed and thought, "why are things so blurry?"

My glasses were gone as well.  Oops!

I looked around, but let's be honest, if you need glasses to see clearly, looking for your glasses without said glasses, well, it just doesn't work, ha.  I went over to 2nd Family (she was out mowing as well) and asked her to come help me look.  

On the ground?  No.

Under the mower?  No.

In the brush?  No.

Not sure if you can see in the photo above but they are there.  In plain site.

Here is a closeup:

They were hanging in the branch!

Ha!  I think we both spotted them about the same time.  Hey, I kept my heart rate under control so that was good, LOL!  I thanked her and we each went about the rest of our mowing adventures.

It was about average.  A few spots I skipped but overall, a great day to mow.

And get things looking ship shape for another couple of weeks (hopefully).  I did a little edging but remembered what the doctor said and took my time and didn't overdo.  I can finish next weekend, no hurry.

OK, so it was cloudy, overcast and sprinkling most of the day yesterday.  Not very conducive to seeing the eclipse, even if at 95%.  When you wake up and it's dark skies and then it gets darker for a few minutes and goes back to just still dark, it's not very noticeable, ha.

2nd Family took this pic...

...using a phone camera through the glasses.  It didn't get this dark, ha, but still pretty cool.  She said the same thing, it was dark and gray but with a few breaks in the clouds and she was able to get this one.

And I wish I could take credit for this one, I just found it on social media with no credit to who came up with it.  It was too cute not to share.  But now, you can say you have seen the full (Oreo) eclipse!  😀


  1. Love the Oreo eclipse! I napped through the actual one! From my comment yesterday, you know how unexcited I was about the whole thing! LOL
    Glad you hadn't mangled your glasses!

  2. That is crazy your glasses ended up in the tree branch. That would be the last place I would look. We were in the 100% totality zone and not a cloud in the sky. It was an awesome experience.

  3. That is why I have Tommy help me look for my glasses--I cannot see them! I'm glad that branch did not catch your eye! Love the Oreo eclipse.

  4. Great photos, and thankfully my eyesight isn't that bad

  5. I wish I had that plateful of the eclipse oreos!

  6. Now that is what I call a new eye glass holder. You very lucky you didn't get a branch; small twig poke your eye. You may need to get yourself a eye glass strap.
    Love that Oreo Eclipse; but one problem; I would have them eaten before the total eclipse appeared.
    Very clever to the person who created this Oreo eclipse.
    Enjoy your day and have a wonderful evening.

  7. My granddaughter in Buffalo made eclipse cookies, too.

  8. That was a close call with your glasses being snatched off. Glad your eyes and face didn’t get scratched.
    A very nice picture of the eclipse from 2nd Family. I took some but they weren’t as clear as this one.
    I love the Oreo Eclipse. A great way for kids to visualize the event.

  9. Hey, good news, I thought second family were getting a divorce. Looks like they’re still together, yayyyy


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