Thursday, April 4, 2019


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

I've always wanted an outdoor tub.  Don't ask me why.  Maybe it is images like these that do it.  Just always seem to be so peaceful...

And beautiful...

And serene...

Oh sure, I totally know these things could totally have a snake in them when the cameras aren't on.  But still, they just draw me in and I imagine a long hot day outside being capped off by a dip in cool water with a glass of wine.  

Hey a guy can dream, right? 

We have a friend with a tub just like this that is in their storage and said we could have it anytime we ask for it, if they don't use it first.  Hmm...we'd go ahead and ask for it but we don't have a place to really store it (well, it would fit in the barn but I don't want to start loading that up with stuff for later on just yet).  If we don't get that one, we'll get the one we are meant to have when the time comes.

Be inspired...


  1. Interesting! Glad that you considered my first thought...snakes will hide in there! HA! And toads and tadpoles! LOL! It does look serene in the pictures though! My sister's pool lost my interest once she told me how many dead frogs and mice she had to pull out everyday! HA! Annster's Domain

  2. This would be wonderful to have at the Farm. You have so many beautiful views there and this would be a lovely way to enjoy them even more.
    As for critters in the water, just drain it after use. Or get a cover for the tub - it would keep out the woodland creatures, dirt, and leaves.

  3. my friend has one of these and she surrounded it with moonlight flowers.

  4. Do you watch The Heart Guy on Acorn?? There is a great outdoor tub in it.

  5. Looks so serene and would be very relaxing after an all days work.
    If setting one up, one best have a water faucet handy or you would end up having to carry the water or have a long garden hose or have water line running to.
    Myself, I don't think I would like it, as I would be afraid some critter would want to come in and join me, snake come down from out of a free, toads, etc. Nope, just not for me.
    I do like the claw tubs. Tubs are great for planting water plants, small pond with fountain, herb garden, flower garden, cut into and make into an outdoor bench, or use as a Big ice cooler for a large party,etc.

    Now, go and ask your friend for the tub and use it for planting flowers, etc for time being. I would set the tub claws up on cement blocks tho


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