Sunday, April 21, 2024


 It's time for our usual Sunday posting of some food and some Hobart.

Nothing like a good breakfast (well, brunch) of homemade corn tortillas, scrambled egg whites and some great toppings for a Tex-Mex taco.

We dropped a dishtowel on the floor and it didn't take Hobart long to find it...we spread it out flat and it didn't take him long to pass out.  Of course, we allowed it.  Because...



  1. I want to come back as your cat.

  2. your brunch looks delicious.
    Looks like Hobart is nice and comfy. Sweet dreams Hobart.
    Enjoy your day and enjoy the races

  3. The breakfast tacos look so delicious! Yum!
    Hobart always knows how to get comfy - no matter where!


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