Thursday, January 22, 2015


Geodesic Chicken Yard, image from Etsy Sunrise Domes shop
While we won't have chickens for a couple years at least, it never stops us from roaming around on the Internet and looking at designs.  

This might be a bit too non-traditional, but there is still something interesting and fascinating about it and we could be persuaded.  It kind of reminds me of the 'berry barn' concept I used as inspiration a few months back.  One thing for sure, the chickens would be well protected from all manner of predators, on the ground and in the sky.  Check out their Etsy shop (no affiliation) as they have other really cool domes.

Hope you are having a good day, it's raining here and back to cold soon, sigh.

Be inspired!


  1. It is for sale on Etsy, for $2499.00.

    1. Thank you for finding that for us! I updated the post and linked to their shop.

  2. I like it. Two or three of those in your back yard and soon you'll be spotting UFO's.

  3. Isn't it wonderful! But, unfortunately, not too practical in my part of the world.

    1. Yeah, I wondered how that would work in various places. It is neat though.

  4. I like it. The fact it could be built with short lenghts of timber is an advantage as I could build it using offcuts so could be really cheap!

    1. Hey, I've seen the stuff you have done on your blog and you could definitely do something similar, and it would be beautiful!

    2. Cheers 1st man - you're too kind!

  5. Poulet Chalet? Cluckingham Palace? Must cost about the same and be a bear to build.

    1. LOL! I like Cluckingham Palace. Heck, I might have to use that someday when we have ours, ha!!!

  6. oh cool, a geodesic chicken coop. i sure wish i could have chickens.

    1. Isn't it cool? We definitely will have them at some point. Bees first though, ha.

  7. I really like the design. It keeps all the debris & predators out. Although I would probably want to do more around the bottom perimeter so animals didn't burrow under it. I don't know about the park bench & the lady sitting in there chicken watching. My sister has a farm with lots of chickens and it's not really somewhere I would want to sit for long. I would either get spurred by the rooster or end up with a hen roosting on my head. I don't think the photo stylist knew much about chickens because the bench is a bit strange.

    1. I never thought about debris, true, no leaves, etc. Ha, true about the pic, I didn't think about that.

  8. Very unusual indeed. We put a seat in our henhouse because it had a lovely sheltered spot in one section and the kids, when they were young, liked to sit in there with them and watch them. Of course, it took all of two days before it was covered with chicken poo.

    1. Eww, I can imagine. I guess it wouldn't be bad to sit and throw some seed around. But I'll have to remember that when we have our chicken yard, just make the seating are outside the actual chicken area, ha. Watch from a distance. ;-)

    2. Love the idea of a chicken dome, whether it's entirely practical, or not!

      We actually do go in and sit with our chickens, because they have so much personality and are fun to hang out with--we call it "chicken therapy", and it really works :). However, any permanent bench would, indeed, be instantly covered in chicken poop! Portable seating is the way to go.

  9. Replies
    1. It is pretty in a way huh? I thought that too, it's sot of aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Thanks for stopping by!!

  10. That's cool. The chickens can wander safely.


    1. It occurred to me that parents could allow a toddler or two to play in there and keep them safe.

  11. It looks cool but I don't see any nests for laying of those scrumptious eggs.

  12. OMG....that is so cute.....if I was a!.....I would love it! <3


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