Saturday, January 22, 2022


Here is the radar image from Thursday night/early Friday morning...

...the farm is the little red "pin" on this radar image.  The pink and light blue is sleet/freezing rain with some snow behind it...the dark blue and green is just rain.  We were just in between the two.

2nd Family said there was some frost on Friday morning but no frozen precipitation fell, just rain.  As this posts, I'll be heading out there, it's currently 34.  It's cold (for us) this morning, 29 out there as the low temp overnight.  Since I skipped last weekend with the rain and previous cold blast, I need to go check on things.  Of course, yet again, it's wet and very there is not much I can do outside.  I will just water the plants on the porch and do some cleaning inside until it just gets too cold. 

2nd Man is making some potato soup for us to have when I get back.  It'll make the day go faster with that as my end goal, ha!

We hope your weekend is off to a good start!


  1. Been having freezing temperatures here. This morning it was 24 deg but going to get in the mid 50's for today but once again, down in the 20's for tonight and down in the 30's for all of next week.,Texas?loc=eyJsIjoiQWx2YXJhZG8iLCJyIjoiVGV4YXMiLCJjIjoiVW5pdGVkIFN0YXRlcyIsImkiOiJVUyIsImciOiJlbi11cyIsIngiOi05Ny4yMDYwMDEyODE3MzgyOCwieSI6MzIuNDM5OTgzMzY3OTE5OTJ9&weadegreetype=F&cvid=dd9a9d5819c84275d3f6bc1f4d00a113&ocid=winp1taskbar

  2. It was 7 degrees here this morning. COLD!

  3. Enjoy a sunny day on the farm! We got down to 31 here last night, was expecting 28.

  4. -3 here this morning. we finally have some winter.

  5. Glad that the frozen precipitation missed your Farm after getting so close. Your garlic would have been alright but your collards might have been damaged by it.
    Although it’s not freezing, it’s still cold today, especially with the wind blowing. Hoping you weren’t too chilled at the Farm checking on things and watering. You’ll get nicely warmed up with that delicious potato soup waiting for you at home. It’s going to smell sooo good when you walk through the door.
    I made some chicken noodle soup yesterday, with enough leftovers for several more meals. Homemade soup is such a wonderful comfort food.

  6. We are in the process of making soup--vegetable soup with meat. But, potato soup really sounds so good. We left when it was 23F degrees this morning. The car finally warmed up, thankfully. I hate weather this cold. I had to put on a light jacket. I hope your food stuff at the farm is okay.


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