Saturday, October 29, 2011



We are off to Seda Bolsa today.  For new visitors, that's the name of our farm, you can read how we came up with the name by clicking HERE.

Even though we started doing some things last weekend, this is our first real weekend of being able to do it without anyone else there or left behind trash and tools and ladders.  

So, we have a lot of to do, and it all begins now!  The Jeep is loaded up with cleaning supplies, the vacuum and steam mop, some small furniture items, tools, and other things we want to take and either use today or leave out there for future use.  On the way, we hope to stop at Ikea and pick up the corner unit of GORM shelving for the mudroom.  Looks like while 2nd Man is busy cleaning windows and floors, I'll be building furniture.  The upside is today it a BEAUTIFUL day in this part of the state, cool weather, sunny,'s one of the rare days we have and we want to take full advantage of it.

There probably won't be any updates today during the day, but I'll be back later with lots to share and of course more photos!

Have a great day, we hope to have one ourselves!

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