Sunday, March 13, 2022


Here's some yummy food and a Hobart picture for today.  It's overcast and chilly and just kind of "blah".  One of those days...

Yesterday, we had some roasted seasoned chicken and 2nd Man made a quick stuffing to serve with it.  We also had a salad on the side, just simple lettuce and tomatoes with a lemon vinaigrette.

Hobart is sleeping on a different blanket today, in a different spot, because, well, as we always say...


Hope you all have had a good weekend.


  1. Mmm, another tasty meal! The salad sounds good. My garden is still producing several varieties of lettuce and other winter vegetables, so I’m having a nice salad for supper.
    It was a chilly day, especially with the wind blowing so much. I had a light freeze yesterday and this morning. Hobart sure knows how to stay cozy on a cold day.

    1. You are so good to still have Winter veggies growing. Well now as I reply to this, I have read several places that said "winter is over" for us here in this part of the state. I'm ok with that ha.

  2. I hate carrying my blanket from room to room.

  3. Chicken & stuffing looks wonderful.
    Hobart looks so comfy there while he's taking his nap


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