So we went to the farm and had a great weekend. It was one of those times when I just didn't feel like doing anything, more like relax and enjoy, and that's what we did.
Here are some random pictures to share:
When we pulled up, one of 2nd Family's dogs, Kiska, was hanging out under the porch stairs in a little depression she made in ground. It's cool and shady. And she makes us smile, so it's a win/win...
Cloudy and overcast |
The weather stayed mostly overcast, which was good to keep the temps down, a bit, upper 80's instead of upper 90's (a regular cold front, LOL). It looked like rain, we hoped it would, but alas it didn't.
Dry earth |
The reason we hoped for rain is this...there hasn't been any measurable rain at the farm in almost two weeks. Quickly, the ground starts getting parched and cracks open up. In Houston, parts of the area got a couple of inches last week, we had hoped the farm did too, but 50 miles between here and there had much different weather.
Figs |
Figs are doing well, the trees are growing nicely. I made sure and watered all the fruit trees, about 5 gallons each, just to make sure they are OK through the next week, in case rain stays away longer.
Passion flowers |
Passion vines with their beautiful flowers are everywhere, so it's nice to see their unique look peeking out here and there.
Speaking of color, these (weeds?) are growing around the property. We thought they would be soft but when we touched them, they are spiky and spiny and have sharp thorns. Not sure what they are but they are pretty and that's fine with us.
Arroz con pollo |
We had a big pot of Arroz con Pollo, some black beans with cilantro, homemade flour tortillas and sliced avocado. It kept us full and happy.
It was a nice weekend!
We hope you had a great weekend yourselves!
Lastly, we want to thank you all for the outpouring of kind words that you all left after Saturday's post. It warmed our hearts to read them!