Monday, July 18, 2016


Saturday was the day at the farm (we had family commitments Sunday). 
It was too hot to do much of anything but I could pick veggies!

Tomato plants were pretty full...

The herbs are growing by leaps and bounds...

Eggplant in raised bed
And what is this?  
Why it's an eggplant!  Almost ready, still a bit small...
The other plant in the same bed is a bit smaller and no blooms but hoping that changes soon.

Okra in raised bed
Here is the okra.  It's getting large.  The other plant in the bed is catching up too.  And of course, there are our perennial chives, ha!

Basket of Tomatoes and Jalapeños 
This weeks haul of tomatoes and jalapeños!  We're going to have to have some meals where we can use fresh, yummy tomatoes.  I'm suggesting burgers later this week.  We'll see what happens!  

We're very happy with the garden this season, small though it may be.  The whole point of this season was to see if we could make it work.  We got a late start because of the rainy Spring but things are finally producing.  This gives us a hope for not only next year (when we can plant earlier since everything is set up and ready) but also for a Fall garden.  Might need to start planning that, take our mind off the hot weather.  

Off to eat some tomatoes!


  1. Well, you did make it work! I hope you took off most of the basil. If it bolts, it's all over. Looking at it made my mouth water.

    1. Yep, took a bunch off, have been doing that every weekend, and it keeps coming back and giving us more. Thanks!!!

  2. Wonderful and I swart you take the prettiest pictures love that basket of produce.

    1. Ha, thanks for that! I do enjoy picture taking. :-)

  3. Noticed your netting around your tomato cages. Wonderful idea and what a great bounty of veggies you have but me thinks you will need to get yourself a much Bigger basket next time around if your garden keeps producing as well as it is now doing.
    It won't be long before that egg plant gets picked and others flowing soon after.
    With all them tomatoes, I see some homemade salsa making in the future.
    Enjoy your day and have a wonderful evening

    1. Yes, that's keeping the birds at bay, now I have to fend off the hornworms, ha. Yep, I have a bigger basket at the ready. ha.

  4. Following Colleen's suggestion, I would put some away in the freezer in the form of Tomato Soup. That way you can have a taste of summer in winter. Also, I've just read your watermelon post (have been insanely busy lately), we put berries and grapes and sometimes melon too, in the freezer. Then, after a hot busy time in the garden, we have a truly refreshing frozen fruit snack. It works a treat in the cooling department and is really delicious too.

    1. Great idea!! I never thought about melon in the freezer! That's nice. And we LOVE LOVE frozen grapes, they are like little sweet popsicles, all nature! Thanks for the ideas!

  5. what a harvest! i am far away from that. with the heat and no rain, i'm not expecting much.

    1. You'll be getting some soon. Ours will probably only have another couple weeks in this heat...

  6. 1st Man,

    Lovely harvest, and your garden beds look amazing :-)

    1. Aw, thanks! Keeping them clean and that straw is working WONDERS! Thanks again!

  7. Looks like you've got some homemade salsa & caprese salad in your future! Enjoy!

    1. Oh how we love caprese salad. Yep, lots to use it all for.


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