Monday, September 16, 2024


Saturday was a good day, though I didn't get as much done as I had hoped I would.  

I had to stop at the builder and a get a form for 2nd Family to sign (shared driveway agreement).  I got there a little early and so I went into Tractor Supply.  God I love that place.  It's dangerous for sure, ha!

Funny story, I was walking around in there, texted 2nd Man and said I was in Tractor Supply and his reply was NO BABY CHICKS.

I had LITERALLY just taken half a dozen pictures of baby chicks (and ducks).  He knows me too well...I guess after 25 years, that's bound to happen.  Fine.  NO baby chicks...for now...😂

Then I had to stop at the storage unit place near the farm and sign up for a unit.  We had been on a waiting list and finally got a 10x15 climate controlled unit.  That should be big enough for the stuff we're keeping.  The lady was super nice but it took some time and I ended up being there about an hour and a half.  Got to the farm about 12:30.  It was hot.

Thankfully, I didn't have to mow.  This is the grass, not much change in the grass, no rain and, for a few days, cooler weather, so I think the grass is doing it's "Fall thing" and going dormant.

I did a little packing but it was so late and hot I was like "you know what, we can do this next weekend".  And I can mow next weekend.  This is the 10 day forecast, no rain at all so there should only be a couple more times this year.  I called it a day.

When I got back into Houston, I was treated to a wonderful dinner (click HERE to see it from yesterday's Good Food and Hobart Sunday post) and then we sat on the balcony with a glass of wine and had this beautiful sunset.  We do enjoy the sunsets in the city, something so ethereal with the buildings in shadow, but we can't wait to see the sunset (and sunrise!) every night at the farm next year.


  1. On the farm on clear nights you will also be able to enjoy the beautiful moon and starry skies.
    Enjoy your day and have a wonderful evening

  2. That’s a beautiful sunset picture!
    I think your major accomplishment for Saturday was resisting those baby chicks and baby ducks!

  3. When is your estimated move in time for the new house?

    1. The plan is to break ground in October (perhaps late October) and then they say, weather permitting, should be late April. So May for a move in? There will be things we want to do before we move in with contractors so we're hoping for May 2025.

  4. That’s me at the animal shelter: no more cats! We are a two cat family! 🙄 I have to stay out of that place.

    1. OH that would be VERY dangerous for me, ha. I could resist the baby chicks but cats are my weakness, ha.


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