Saturday, September 14, 2024


 Today I'm off to the farm.  2nd Man has to work so I'm solo.  On the way out, stopping at a storage unit place to lease a storage unit for the stuff we are keeping from the old house and using in the new house.

Then, I'll head to the farm and hoping I won't have to mow.  It's hot again.  If I don't, it'll be some packing and maybe even enlisting Bill the Truck for some light duty moving to the storage unit (climate controlled by the way).  2nd Man is going to make us a large roast chicken and vegetables for our weekend enjoyment.

Hope your weekend is off to a good start!


  1. Happy packing.
    Have a wonderful day and enjoy the weekend along with that roasted chicken dinner.

    1. I just had a thought. Instead of renting a storage unit, why not check into having a POD moved out to the farm. Would safe from driving back and forth to a storage unit.

  2. It was so nice to have those few days of cooler weather. Now it’s back to hot and humid. Hoping you don’t have to mow and that you get some packing done.

  3. Climate control is the only way to go for house goods. Mice can get into PODs.


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