Sunday, September 15, 2024


 While I was at the farm yesterday, 2nd Man made one of our more recent favorite meals; Sunday roasted chicken with lots of vegetables.

He roasted the chicken will Brussels sprouts, parsnips (our new favorite veggie), sweet potatoes and onions...and then on a separate sheet pan (so they don't bleed into the other veggies), he roasts beets, they are super heart healthy and one of my faves too.

It's so good and we eat on it for two or three days. Yesterday when I got back, tonight we'll have more and just enough for one more meal tomorrow!

Hobart, doing what he does on a lazy Sunday afternoon, relaxing on his afghan, on his chair, in front of the window soaking up the sunshine!  We always wonder what he's thinking about...hopefully contemplating how good his life is, ha!  Because...



  1. Yum! What a delicious looking meal! With all those wonderful roasted vegetables!
    Hobart better be contemplating how good his life is - because he is definitely living his Best Life!

    1. Thanks, we ended up eating that Sat, Sun, Mon AND Tue! On Mon and Tue we added a large salad before and that's how we stretched it to an extra day ha.

    2. Oh and Hobart IS living his best life, right? HA!

  2. One thing he never has to think about is competition or danger from other animals. Will he be an outdoor cat at all in your new home? Or, will he just look out windows?

    1. Oh, he'll 100% only be inside. All of our cats have been indoor only. We had some feral strays that we cared for at the house in town but they were strictly outside, ha. Hobart will have plenty of windows to gaze out of but he'll continue to be an inside cat and enjoy his old age in comfort ha..


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