Monday, September 9, 2024



The weekend was absolutely gorgeous. Saturday, it was upper 70's, a cool breeze, low humidity, just perfect.   But all that's about to change. More in a moment. 

Saturday we had to meet someone at the house to see about demolition and clearing some spots.  We're getting estimates.  Have another coming (possibly) this coming weekend and even have someone who might be interested in moving it...but we're not sure it can easily get down the driveway.  

We did that and then I mowed.

It looks good, finally, ha.  Not too many clippings strewn about.  This is the front yard, you can see on the  far right edge, the flags for the front of the new house.  I'll have less to mow by about ten feet, ha!

Then I tackled the driveway, got it looking good too.  We're going to have some trimming done, the bushes on the right side are our "Texas Lilac", they aren't going anywhere, we just need them trimmed.  The brush on the left will be removed and just evened out.

There will be constructions vehicles coming and going.

I skipped the trails, it was still a bit wet in some areas and I was not about to get the Zen Machine 2 stuck like its predecessor has.

But it was THE best mowing day since early Spring. I was in my element for sure.  We came home, changed clothes and went to our delayed anniversary dinner.

Now for the other part of our weather:

When it becomes a named storm later today, "Francine" will be the name and is forecast to become a Category 1 hurricane.  There are some models that have it quickly going up to a Cat 2, they still aren't sure.  So far, those same models have it going a little more Northeast of us. However, that left line of the "cone" brings it right through the heart of Houston. Sigh.  Ready for this to move on through. 

Wish us luck!  We're going to need it.


  1. Was a beautiful day for mowing for sure. As always your yard looks great.
    We got ours mowed as well. Couldn't have asked for a better day. I always like the smell of fresh cut hay along with a fresh mowed yard.
    Seen the weather report here that Houston was expected to receive 5-8 inches.
    Take care and stay safe.
    Enjoy your day along with the rest of the week.

  2. That was a good day for mowing, for sure. I wondered about moving the house. Are you going to continue with a grass driveway. Living there with more traffic might not be wise. Is this just a gravel driveway grown over? Is there a pad on the driveway? Chirt? Will the construction vehicles degrade the driveway.

  3. Just a suggestion, when you get someone out to clear the trees etc, perhaps think about getting them to cut those bush tracks. Make the most of the equipment while it's there. Just a thought.

  4. It was a beautiful weekend with a bit cooler temperatures and, more important, lower humidity. Perfect for your lawn mowing.
    I bought some vegetable plants and flowers and spent the weekend planting them.


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