Saturday, September 28, 2024


We dodged the bullet with Helene but wow, what a horrible storm for those in the path.  Sending our thoughts to everyone affected.

Today, it's off to the farm to get started on sorting through things.  No mowing, since no rain this week and best of all, COOLER WEATHER!  We'll open the windows and let the breeze blow through.  Should be a nice day for that.  We got our storage unit and it's time to put Bill the Farm Truck to work!  The goal today is to get all the pictures and wall art we are keeping, moved into storage as well as all the soft products (pillows, quilts, blankets, etc).  We may be back out tomorrow to start boxing up more stuff.

As always, we are hoping you all have a great start to your weekend!


  1. We hd nothing happen here, little rain, low winds. We are grateful, but we are horrified at the conditions for those affected.
    Are you getting picture boxes?
    With better weather, packing will be easier. It seems everything is going your way.

  2. If you use them Vacuum Storage Bags for bedding, etc. will safe space, plus will keep out moths, insects along with other critters that find their way in boxes. etc.
    When you finish up packing today; I bet one of them, your favorite chicken dinners will taste mighty good.
    Enjoy your day and have a wonderful, relaxed evening.


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