Sunday, September 22, 2024


 Yesterday was hot and there may be a change in the weather but more on all that tomorrow.  Today though, it's time for some good food and some Hobart!

2nd Man whipped up some guisado (guisado is any Mexican style stewed, low and slow, meat in sauce).  He made this one with some fresh ground chili powder from New Mexico that my boss brought back for us.  We served it over brown (Mexican style) and topped it all with a little avocado and cilantro.  Oh, and we had a salad before. A delicious meal to end the day for sure.

Here is Hobart sleeping in one of "his" usual spots, next to 2nd Man on the couch on "his" soft fuzzy blanket...

OOPS!  BUSTED!  I was taking pictures of Hobart sleeping and he woke up and looked at me like "um, hello?!? I'm sleeping here!".  I let him go back to sleep of course, because...


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