Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Here are the few things we have planted so far and how they've done in this never-ending rain.  The one picture I didn't get was the eggplant bed.  They aren't doing so well.  Haven't grown much and the leaves are yellowing.  Turns out that's a sign of over watering.  That is certainly nothing I had any control over but maybe now with a week of dry weather, they'll perk up.  The soil in all the beds is nice and moist so no worry this week. 

Tomatoes in raised bed
The tomatoes are growing like crazy!!  I am afraid the jalapeño in the middle might get overshadowed but not much I can do about that now, except pick up an already growing one and transplant into another bed.  

They are covered in blooms!

Green tomato on the vine
And look here!  
An actual tomato!

Carrot sprouts
I'm kind of embarrassed about this.  I pulled up a few of them as I was "weeding" the raised bed...I forgot they were the carrot seeds I threw in just to see what would happen.  OOPS!  

Herb raised bed
Above is the herb bed....this was before trimming.  They were growing well and so I took the opportunity to harvest a few...

Herbs in basket
...and end up with this, our first "harvest" this season, ha.  Lots of regular basil, a nice bunch of purple basil, a few chives and some lemon thyme and oregano.  2nd Man made a wonderful roasted chicken with some fresh herbs (my camera battery was dead, boo!).  Still have a bunch in the fridge.

We'll see what happens by the weekend!


  1. The rain that gave you a bumper crop of grass and weeds is working it's magic on your vegetables, too. That is a nice first harvest.

  2. your tomatoes are going gangbusters!!! and your herbs look great, too. sorry to hear about the eggplants but maybe they'll bounce back with a week of sun - you've certainly had enough rain for a while! the chicken sounds like it was delicious!

    sending much love to you both! your friend,

    1. I hope so! Thank you much, we are enjoying the break from rain. Of course, I'm at work all week but hey, as long as the ground is drying, I"m happy. Thanks!! Much love to you!!

  3. 1st Man,

    Just a suggestion, you may want to pull the straw from under your eggplants next to the side of the garden bed to allow it to dry out. With all the rain, the straw holds in the moisture. Causing the plants not to dry as they should.

    Your other garden beds look amazing!! Keep up the good work :-)

    1. you for this info, I never thought about that. Dang, I wish I had done that for this week but oh well, hopefully they'll make it to the weekend. The toms are loving it but yeah that might be their problem. Thanks!!!

  4. An amazing start for the season. And doesn't home grown taste WONDERFUL.

    1. Oh it's SO good, some coworkers who have only eaten store bought veggies I try to explain the difference but they don't get it. They will if we get a bumper crop though, ha!

  5. It is raining here - again - right now. I thought we were supposed to have a break for awhile.

    Your vegetables and herbs look great. Haha about the carrot seedlings - I've done the same thing! They do kinda look like weeds when they are small, especially at the 2-leaf stage.

    That herb chicken sounds delicious. I have a lot of herbs also - would 2nd Man kindly share his recipe?

    1. Sorry about the rain, it was a few small, stray showers down your way. Still dry here. I really pulled up probably 8 or 9 before I realized what they were. I just looked at the straw and it was all clean except for "the weeds", ha.

      The chicken is just rubbed with olive oil, sale and pepper and then he puts random herbs inside the cavity and lays it on top as it roasts. Some cut up veggies around it and more herbs on them. Nothing fancy but it tastes yummy. Didn't use the basil for it though, that doesn't do well in the oven. It was thyme, oregano and rosemary. We'll use the basil for something else this week.

  6. I, like Sandy mentioned, pull some of that straw away from the base of the plant. I had done that with my tomato plants.
    Turned really hot here today so done some work outside early in the morning and with hubby on vacation we have been able to get some things done and marking off items from the 'honey-do' list and then we took the rest of the day off being it's our 47th anniversary today. Went to our favorite restaurant to eat which was a nice treat being we don't go out to eat, only on special occasions.
    Have a great day / evening and wonderful week.

    1. Thanks for that info and glad you got some stuff done too, yay.

      But best of all, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!! 47 years? WOW! Awesome for you. Congratulations!

      Big hugs to you!

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you very much!! It's small but I'm learning as I go!

  8. Well, that's a very fragrant harvest! And hurray for the 1st tomato on the vine...always so exciting! I just transplanted mine last weekend, so they have a ways to go.

    1. Oh don't you know it! It smelled so good! First tomatoes are fun to see. Growing veggies is always such an inspiring thing to do.

  9. Your pepper plant might tolerate being moved if you can dig it up with soil around its roots. Tomatoes looking good. You are right, no one ever gets about the taste of home grown until they taste some.

    1. THANKS I wonder about that, the roots should come up easily. I think I just might move it this weekend. Thank you!!

  10. Tomatoes and peppers should never have leaves touching the ground or straw. I pinch off all the lower branches. You won't lose any vegetables.

    1. Thank you for this tip too. I will work on that this weekend. Thanks again!!


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