Two Sisters Trail |
Forgive the pun in the posting title, I like to play with words sometimes, ha. I thought I'd share a photo of one of the (many) things I've been working on. I so often blog about things I want to do, and little projects, this has been a rather big one that I devote at least a few hours to each weekend. Baby steps!
So, here is one of the trails I've been diligently creating. I've been clearing brush and some small Mesquite tree saplings a little at a time, and then trying to keep it mowed on a regular basis as well. Hopefully, it will keep the wild look that I'm enjoying right now, and yet let me roam around to different parts of the property more easily. I created a path (several actually but more on those in a later posts) from the house and future garden area. It runs down in between these two trees, curving toward the end to match a curve in the ground cover and the terrain...because sometimes you just have to let nature guide you, ha! Oh how I'd love to be able to mulch/gravel these paths but that would literally take tons ($) and tons ($$) and tons ($$$) of material.
I think if I just keep it mowed that will be just fine.
These trees have been neglected for years and while very healthy and very tall, they are in need of a good pruning. That will have to come later as I sharpen learn my pruning skills and of course I'll need to clear out the areas under them before I attempt any pruning measures (no telling what exciting creatures I'll discover then). The neat thing about these two is that they are the exact same trees, the only two of their kind on the property that I can find. Not sure what variety they are, I need to get some leaves and figure that out, but because they are both the same size, they make a great pair of bookends for the trail and more importantly, a landmark on the property. So this past weekend, while on my Zen mower/tractor time, I decided to start calling them the "Two Sisters".
It's nice to be able to locate things on the property by using phrases like "I saw this unusual bird over by the Two Sisters" or "walk down Two Sisters trail and turn left." I know I like to have a frame of reference when I'm roaming around so I figured that's a good way to tell others how to find their way around as well when they come to visit. Obviously, it's not like you'd get lost, it is only 10 acres after all and as you can see, not densely forested. But still, it's a nice way to plan for things in the future as our ripples move ever further outward onto the property. For now I'll keep the trails cleared on a weekly basis and I'll continue exploring other areas and discovering new things.
That's half the fun! I'm thinking the other half is hard work!