Sunday, July 29, 2012


WW1 Gardening poster courtesy of U.S. National Archive
I really like this poster (John?).

It was from here in the United States during WW1, circa 1917-1919.  The government was urging people to grow their food, and use conservation methods to get more food coming out of their farm.  In a sense, as the poster implies, that puts the family farms in the fight.  Patriotic and informative.

This could be so true today as well.  The fight for better food starts at home when we grow our own.  And we all know we should conserve where we can, and not just food.

Hope you're having a good weekend.
Off to the farm today.  Updates later!


  1. Replies
    1. I knew this one would be one of your faves!

  2. I love that poster, very cool. Nice to see how much they included the American farmer. Too bad they don't do that now. :-(

    1. Yeah, sadly the government and big corporations (or do those go hand in hand?) do not have the American farmer on their list to help. It's almost as if they are on their own.

  3. I love this poster too! I think as more people grow their own food and support local farmers through the Farmer's Market, they are getting involved in the fight for better, healthier food. Great, great poster. Enjoy the farm.

    1. Thank you! Yes, the fight is always for the better when we help in any way we can. I guess you could say that when we buy and support local farmers and food, we are including their farms in "the fight". :-)

  4. Great poster! I love it! I agree with Bernadette...I think that the more people get involved in making better/healthier choices, the more the word will spread. It might be slow moving, but it IS moving :-)

    1. I like that, it might be slow moving but it IS moving. You're so right. Baby steps, we'll eventually get there, and get everyone there with us right? Any movement forward is in the right direction.


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