Sunday, October 23, 2011


The First Photo I Took
We are off to see the farmhouse for the first time since it's been done, and we're going to start doing some of the extras we've been wanting to do.

We didn't make it yesterday, spent the day running errands for the farm, getting some cleaning supplies, putting all the stuff together we want to take out on this trip, etc.  By the time we finished our errands, it was late in the day and we wouldn't have had much time out there.

Above is the very first photo I took of the farm driveway, over a year ago as we were given the opportunity to buy it.  I took the picture before we walked down the driveway.  Of course, we knew the family for years and years, and had been out there many many times, but I took this photo after we knew we would, hopefully, own it, when we were walking down the driveway to the house.  Somehow it seems nice that we've come full circle.

So, as you are reading this, we'll have been at the farm for a few hours.  I should have LOTS of pictures, maybe some videos, and stuff to share.  I'm thinking this is the beginning of us really starting to create the farm we hope to have for our future.

More later!

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